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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Girl Talk #1

Okay, for the opening ceremony for my first post in a new blog, I shall not talk about how this is my first post, asking you to visit often and bla bla bla. *release some fireworks* there! opening ceremony done!
I shall immediately move on. Okay boys, now if you are easily disgusted and squirmy about girl talks (body, feelings, etc), I suggest you not to read this and move on somewhere else (this is my first post after all, there is nothing else for you to read. so shoo..!).

GIRLS! I am going to talk about ARMPIT HAIR!
Yes boys, see that? Armpit hair! Read on at your own risk.

Fact: Girls have armpit hair. Yes boys, if you didn't know that.

I find it ultimately annoying to have armpit hair. Girls do not have facial hair so I do not get the point why don't we just don't have armpit hair as well. Saves all the trouble. I asked my mom about it and she responded "Maybe in the ancient times, having armpit hair is a form of attraction.*laughs*"  Seriously, mom?? A form of attraction?? Whatttt??

Whilst talking about armpit hair, my mom and I found out about this MIRACLE DEVICE called an epilator. For those of you who had this gadget long long time ago, good for you!
(I just recently found out about it thanks to my mom who loves to go on the internet to search for electrical appliances which makes your life easier. *my mom is very modern* And yes, the epilator has definitely made my life easier!)
For those of you who used this once and vowed never again to touch it, READ ON!

An epilator is used to remove your armpit hair. It has no blade. It does not shave the hair away. It PLUCKS. For those of you who manually pluck your armpit hair using pincers, the process is long, literally a pain in the neck and it gives you a sore arm AND you have to pluck it ONE BY ONE. Imagine the whole bunch of armpit hair (okay not that much/scary), and you have to pluck it one by one or it won't be clean!
The epilator practically solves your problem. They have a roller head about 4-5 cm wide. The rollers have in built pincers. A whole row of them! You don't have to pluck them one by one! The epilator will finish the whole row for you in less than a minute!

For those of you who shave, you might face a very common problem faced by those who shave. DARK UNDER ARMS. Seriously. We girls have a price to pay for something we do not want. It's either neck pain, waste time or dark under arms. What is this. Punishment??
I myself use the method of shaving because I am an extremely lazy girl. As a result, yes, dark under arms. It's gradually improving now. I will share with you the secret on how to eliminate your darken under arms later.

So to give you an idea on how an epilator looks like, here:

The Miracle Device!

The head epilator head can be taken out so that you can wash away your plucked hair. Please be aware that you cannot wash the whole body because it will spoil the motor. When the head of your epilator is wet, you cannot attach it back to the body. You have to wait till it dries.
When you epilate your underarms, make sure your underarms are not wet and don't put any lotion before you epilate. Apply moisturizer or lotion only AFTER you epilate. Oh, and tie your hair up or else the pincers will pull at your hair too! Best epilate after shower. Your skin would be smooth and not sticky. Also, it's advisable to epilate at night when you are not going out because your skin might turn a little red or pinkish.
The epilator functions on two kinds:
1. by electricity. (wire, chords)
2. by battery
I am using the one with wire attached because I couldn't find the one with batteries.

I chickened out many times before I suck it up and tried epilating for the first time. I had to hold it off many times because the minute I turned the epilator on, the sound of the motor *brrrzzz* made me sweat. My armpits became wet and I did not want to be electrocuted (from the instruction leaflet).
So one day, I just pick it up, read the instruction and placed it on my armpit.
For the first time? HELL YEAH!
It's like you feel your skin being rubbed raw. The hair all pluck *plit plit plit*
My armpit turned red and it felt like it was on fire. I immediately put some moisturizer.
I have a high threshold for pain but it still hurt. Prepare for the worst.
During the second time, it did not hurt anymore. Your skin becomes accustomed to it and wala! No more pain! An average epilation for both side only takes me about 5 mins max.

The epilator can be used to epilate your LEGS (or even body hair/ hand) too! But I have not done it, because once you pull/shave your leg/body/hair, they will grow longer and longer. When you leave it be at original state, the hair will be in hibernating process. They won't grow any longer. Status quo. I am too lazy to maintain it so I rather not.

Now, for those who have those sad dark underarms, here is what I did. I won't say my underarms are of poster-models quality but compared to before, it's much much better.
  1. rub some sliced lemon on your underarms and leave it be for about 15 mins before you shower.
  2. face-wash works! because face-wash is for your face *duh* it gives gentle care and smoother complexion therefore lightening uneven skin tone. they do the same to your pits. mmhmm.
  3. exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate. any scrub etc, use it. they remove dead skin cells and so on.

The reason why your underarms become dark from shaving is because when you shave, the blade shaves of a layer of your skin and all the dirt/dust clings on to the exposed surface. It becomes worst when you shave then you immediately use deodorant.

I got mine from Singapore and after conversion to MYR is costs about RM120.
For Cat-city-ers (Kuchingites), I saw Parkson @ The Spring selling it. It's a different brand. Mine is Phillips. Parkson has Braun. They do have Phillips' sometimes but it is always out of stock, partly because it is cheaper I guess. Parkson sold the Braun one for RM 200+ and RM 300+ (the 300+ has some additional function or something like that).

There ends my armpit hair/ girl talk.
Toodles and pluck away!

Men should appreciate sacrifices women make to look good!
They should give epilating or waxing a try.

Pfft, to all you women AND men out there who say that appearances doesn't matter at all as long as the heart is an angel and you do not make an effort to wear presentable clothing (yes, those people who always look like they sleep, eat, go out, and live in their pj's all day long) and have a decent/proper/neat hair, YOU ARE WRONG. Appearances DO matter but it is not the most important.
Like seriously, if you were your pj's with a just-woke-up-disastrous-never-combed-hair, do you think the employer would actually want to employ you? You look like a freak, a couldn't care less person and a sloth. It shows the employers on how you don't even bother to make an effort in things you do, so the same thing will happen in your work field.
I mean, you don't need those falsies (eyelashes), a 5cm thick foundation or the thickest and blackest eyeliner on your face, designer labels, high-heels that would kill you when you fall/help you break a leg, or those salon-ed-styled hair, but at least wear neat clothes, neat hair and a pair of comfortable shoes (not your furry house slippers). Nobody cares what you wear at home, you can be naked for all I care.

Conclusion: Appearances DO MATTER. You cannot argue with me. I don't care what you think. Blehh.


  1. interesting.. one question.. how long does the hair have to be for it to work?

    1. fancy seeing you here! the first person to comment/ask is a male! LOL.
      it can epilate hair as short as 0.5mm.
